To donate in support of our work, please write a check in the name of Plan For The Villages Organization Uganda and mail to our post office box number 848, Lira Uganda (full address is on our Contact page. Unfortunately, online donation platforms have yet to expand their reach into Uganda, so this is currently the best way to donate.
We can also receive donations via World Remit’s mobile money transfer system. The phone number to use for Mobile Money Donations is +256771434781.

For more information, visit the link on this page:
Your generosity will fund promotion of our messages, as well as educational, health, and sexual and gender-based violence prevention programs in communities, high schools and universities and propagate skills trainings for self-sustenance of at risk populations. These programs are designed to foster a new generation of Listening Leaders and healthy prosperous societies where civil discourse is guaranteed. Let us make this happen with your partnership, friendship and financial support.